Jul 19, 2012

# 11

I've been a vacation and haven't played so much, so no post, sorry. :(
But I'm here again and I've got some pics ;)

Meet Leighton Sekemoto. Actually, from now on he is Leighton Rain. Yes, I have another lecagy challenge going on. But it's called Baet the Bad Guy (= Päihitä Pahis).

Here's Leighton's and his wife's second daughter (I cannot remember the wife's name! :--D) Bianca.

Here's Bianca as an adult.

And as a teenager.

Here's the mother Rain. I just can't remember her name.. However, she and Leighton got 6 kids, and I can't remember those names either. D:

Here's some random woman.

And I got the Crumblebottoms back! YEAH. Meet the 8th generation: Vilja.

From Egypt.

Riverview. Or something :--D

Vilja as a teenager.

And here's my newest creation Jill. Looks weird, but her eyes are cyan, which I like.

And here she is complete. Have a good day. :)

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